
I have been inspired to talk about a subject today that the gift for video seems to appropriately described which is setting the mother fucking box on fire. So the box is what I like to call boxes of limitations. So these are things that we ourselves or other people have created.
For us and we individually because that's the only way it works have chosen to consciously or even subconsciously in some cases. I would say climb into the box and put a lid over our heads these boxes. A lot of times are our parents whole drama. It's our parents old limitations. These are the poor health money struggle the things that we foundation-ally as children grew up witnessing and as I mentioned in my post yesterday you have children who are actually from third trimester up to seven years of age that is when we are in the state of State this state of somewhat hypnosis where we are recording and replaying the information where it's nothing more than that. So think about what fundamental things we taught our children or that we were taught during that time and you
Was there a lot of that stuff is actual crap and that's not really what we want. The fundamental - of our roads are you know lives are built on now, they're probably is in there some beneficial principles and I'm not negating those in any kind of way. However, overall the things that have that have a stuck in this moment are the things that were programmed in us from basically birth. And we as adults have compounded are limiting beliefs around them. So I have clients right now. I have million dollar clients who are a slave to their actual business who come to me because of that I have clients who are having health issues and feel stuck there. I have clients who are have all the talent in the entire universe like the most talented people I've ever met Matt and have not been able to resonate at a frequency that brings to them the level of income that
Is an alignment with their level of talent so everybody appears to be stuck in one way shape or form and it's just a matter of figuring out where you're stuck and what you need to get out of it and I have a new digital release coming out very soon, which is a subconscious reprogramming. So it deals specifically with reprogramming those foundational.
Thought processes that are not beneficial to us and probably never will were and establishing new fundamental things. So I sat for a while and really thought about if I could program a infant which at some point, I guess I had the opportunity to because I have three children if I could program an infant from birth what fundamental things what fundamental knowledge that I currently have what I want them to have and this the subconscious programming for health and wealth, which is what has been created. Thus far really covers all of those things and it will help people when they're going to sleep and waking up in the morning over a period of time to shift out of the things that we think are just reality when in reality are crap. So and I feel like I need to start a set the motherfucking box on fire like movement. There's a
Moment for everything else. I've I think I'm going to do a speaking engagement in Atlanta. Probably in next month where I allow people to come out and we talk about the specific idea because this is such a broad topic and so many things that are actual boxes of limitation or areas of resistance or limiting beliefs. A lot of people they're so ingrained in people's everyday mentality in the way that they everyday function on a regular basis that they don't even recognize it and that's what I want to change. I'm literally here to inspire to empower you to become the architect of your own realities. I don't know how else to say it that is what the kingmaker is all about. You know, I want to provide the physical and energetic infrastructure for you to erect the throne from which you will offer your inspiration to the world.
I mean on a personal level just you being able to be happy and live your best life. You will inspire so many people and so it's just a matter of figuring out where you're stuck and where you could use the most help so until next time the kingmaker.